
Tuesday, July 26, 2011


 See this old boat - it doesn't look like it would float - does it?  Well when we bought an investment home in Plain City, they left this boat in their shop out back.  We decided to see if it could float and over the 4th of July went camping and ventured up to the property and drove over Monte to Woodruff and put in - we made sure we had a bail bucket in the boat and the kids weren't allowed to take their life jackets off ever. 

 We had so much fun and most of us caught a fish - they weren't very big - but they were fun too catch.  We did have to use the bail bucket because the boat was taking on water slowly - but we never sank!  We did it again this last weekend and went up to upper Birch Creek - Dean had patched the holes so there wasn't nearly the water in the boat.  I caught a tiger trout - we ate it for breakfast the next day and it was so yummy!  I was so proud of the kids - although we did have Ethan whining quite a bit because he was tired and hungry - for the most part they did great. 

 These pictures are taken with my iphone - not the best - but safer than taking my big camera out there.  We just relaxed the rest of the weekend - took a few hikes - Dean gave the kids motorcycle rides and we ate good food.  I love spending time up there with my family - hopefully we get to a few more times before school starts.
 If you can't tell I forgot how to blog - my pictures and text are everywhere - forgive me - I will figure it out!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I'm Back!!

Not sure for how long, or if i can keep it up - but i've been feeling really guilty lately about not keeping this updated - for my sake - so i can keep documenting my families life.  Especially now that I'm not scrapbooking anymore (sad ) - this is the only way its going to happen.  So first I will start with Baylee's birthday - she turned 5 last week on the 13th and I can't believe it!  She's grown up so fast, she acts more like 15 than 5, but I will keep her anyways.  She is such a good girl even though we but heads quite a bit - she is so much like me - with a little extra attitude!  We had a part for her and her little friends - 7 of her friends were from our old neighborhood in Plain city and 2 from here.  I had so much fun decorating - I took a homework hiatus and made decorations and baked for 2 days.  Not sure I will ever do it again - but it was fun getting out my scrapbook supplies that have been collecting dust and play a bit. 

 My grandma made this cute hat for Baylee - I love it.  The doggie purse is from my mom - and don't you just love the pose!

Well - hopefully this will be the first of many - I need to update with our summer photos.  I am in school this summer - have finished one class and have 2 more that go till August 12th!